русский, английский, арабский, болгарский, венгерский, вьетнамский, голландский, греческий, датский, иврит, индонезийский, испанский, итальянский, каталанский, корейский, немецкий, норвежский (букмол), персидский, польский, португальский, румынский, словенский, тайский, традиционный китайский, турецкий, украинский, упрощенный китайский, урду, финский, французский, хинди, чешский, шведский, японский
focos live
Профессиональный видеоредактор и фокусировка после видеосъемки.
Focos Live предлагает профессиональные возможности редактирования видео, повышенную гибкость и функционал, превосходящие все другие приложения, которыми, вы, возможно, пользовались ранее. Учитывая ключевой кадр и корректирующие слои, а также легко доступные параметры (как для экспертов, так и для новичков), можно сказать, что приложению Focos Live нет равных.
Благодаря съемке портретных видео с широкой апертурой и эффекту боке, Focos Live можно назвать очередным прорывом в области цифровой фотографии. Используя Focos Live, можно настраивать портретное видео на свой вкус и менять апертуру столько раз, сколько захочется.
— Портретное видео с данными глубины на двойной, тройной, LiDAR и фронтальной камере.
— Постоянно меняющаяся точка фокуса для отслеживания объектов и размера апертуры.
— Имитация многовариантных апертурных диафрагм для создания различных точечных эффектов боке.
— Функция многослойности, позволяющая располагать минимум 4 разных видео на одном экране.
— Корректирующий слой для каждого параметра.
— Линейное изменение скорости и обратная съемка для создания различных видеоэффектов.
— Хромакей производственного уровня превосходно удаляет лишнее с видео с зеленым или синим экраном.
— Стабилизатор видео может устранить проблему дрожания на всех имеющихся видео.
— Отдельный аудиоредактор для управления музыкой и звуками.
— Экспорт видео, например, снимок экрана, анимированные GIF или 60 кад./сек. при разрешении 4К.
— Возможен импорт файлов 3DL и CUBE как пользовательских фильтров.
— Важный инструмент для iPhone 12 Pro и iPad Pro с LiDAR.
Такое приложение, как Focos Live, заслуживает установки на всех айфонах и айпедах.
focus 1-2-3
Brain breaks that calm down, wake up or gear up for learning!
In less than 5 minutes, turn
Fidgets to FOCUSED, Antsy to ALERT,
Dazed to ENGAGED and Blah to BEST!
These curated strategies from neuroscience, mindfulness, occupational therapy and active learning
— Create positive environments for learning
— Support the needs of diverse learners and the whole child
— Develop social-emotional skills to improve energy and learning
It’s as easy as:
1. Pick a Card
2. Read and Lead
3. Create a learning mindset
Use Calm Down Cards after activities to relax minds and bodies.
Use Wake Up Cards before brainwork to get blood flowing to brains and bodies.
Use Gear Up Cards during transitions to engage minds and bodies.
focus ii
Want some precision-based gameplay? Want to have some fun that also stirs up your anxiety? Look no further, because this game is for you! Features music from cYsmix.
WARNING: This game contains flashing colors. Please check up with a doctor before playing if you or a family member have a history of epileptic seizures. Symptoms include, but are not limited to: twitching, being lightheaded, and other things that are out of the ordinary. If you experience anything like this, please stop playing and seek medical attention. Real stuff, guys- be safe.
focus@will: control your add
Promo text:
Independent, award-winning music producers from Los Angeles creating music to help you get sh*t done.
Our mission is to help you focus. We’re the pioneers in the focus music space. We started Focus@Will in 2021, our founder is a platinum selling song writer with over 30 years in the music industry, who knows a lot about music entertainment, but we wanted to try something radically new. So we built a team; hand selected neuroscientists, musicians, and engineers to produce a unique new product. Music for productivity.
Over the last 10 years we’ve helped over 2,000,000 people focus by tailoring brain music specifically to their brain type. Our proprietary AI engine is linked with the world’s largest brain database, and our music is created by musicians specifically for productivity.
The music you find on Focus@Will cannot be found anywhere else; we remaster, re-edit, and re-produce each track to remove all distracting elements so you can stay productive and focused
What’s the value — to your job, your success, your self-image — of just one intensely-focused session where you filter out distractions and produce more work in two hours than you typically do in a day? Now, what if you multiplied that value over the course of a month, a year? That’s what Focus@Will helps you achieve.
This app gives you a 7-day full-feature free trial. Just install and run. Then do your best work session ever. On-demand.
How do I know if this will work for me? Our in-app assessment agent uses data from the biggest brain database in the world combined with our own data of over 10 years of music brain research to prescribe which specific music type and energy level will work best for you. If it doesn’t, no worries we offer a full 30 day money back guarantee!
Can I listen offline? Yes! We have offline mode.
Can I track my productivity? Yes! We have a built in productivity tracker.
Is there a focus timer? Yes! We encourage you to use the focus timer as a pomodoro timer, create work sessions and break times countless times a day.
Our subscribers are entrepreneurs, freelancers, writers, students, and include people that work in large corporations like; Google, Tesla, Apple, SpaceX and Microsoft.
Who we are: We’re an independent neuroscience company based in Los Angeles, California. Our mission is to empower you to be the best version of yourself; have a healthy work/life balance; and create fulfillment and happiness in your life.
What sets us apart: We love Calm, Headspace,, Endel and the rest, but we offer an individualized music-for-work solution based on our connection to the biggest brain database in the world. Every audio mix is different for every user, and all the sounds and music we deliver are unique to our system.
Our system manages the ratio between your endogenous attention (ie the task you are focusing on) and your exogenous attention (ie your reptile brain looking for potentially dangerous ‘fight or flight’ external stimuli). Every human is different, the type of music that helps calm this response is highly individual. (Fun fact: the more easily distracted you are, the more energy you need to help you focus. Now you’ll know why our ADHD channel is the way it is!)
Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora, etc., we’re big fans — but not when we’re trying to be productive! The focus playlists found in these streaming services is usually someone’s vague idea of what worked for them. When you want to get stuff done Focus@Will is the only option that was created specifically for productivity needs.
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