‎Green Screen Studio on the App Store

‎green screen — chroma key

Please. Do not buy if you do not understand what it is.

Green Screen developed for shooting video/photo using camcorder or photo camera with device and green replaced with screen capture.

— Markers for tracking device motion
— Green chromakey
— Blue chromakey
— Brightness control

If glare is to much with max screen brightness, then try to reduce ambient light, if it not possible then use polarised filter.

Shake device to change settings.

‎green screen studio

Green Screen Studio is a chroma key application that allows the user to change a monochromatic background into any image they wish. Chroma key is a technique for mixing two images or frames together, in which a color from one image is removed (or made transparent), revealing another image behind it. This technique is also referred to as color keying, color-separation overlay, green screen, and blue screen.

Green Screen Studio has tools available to manually remove the background if you do not have a perfect green screen background available. This allows you to manually apply backgrounds to any picture you want without a green screen.

≈ Easy and Simple ≈
◎ Load your background image
◎ Load your foreground image
◎ Manually erase any parts of your foreground image without a green screen
◎ Use the automatic Green Screen feature for your green screen
◎ Zoom in for finer editing
◎ Save your image to finish. You’re done!

≈ Photo Editor EXTRA Features ≈
◎ Intelligent one-tap Auto Enhance filter.
◎ Draw on your photos.
◎ Add fun stickers and text.
◎ Adjust Brightness, Saturation and Contrast.
◎ Sharpen and Blur.
◎ Adjust, Crop, and Rotate your photos.
◎ Red-Eye, Whiten and Blemish tools
◎ Additional ten gorgeous photo effects to apply to your photos.

Читайте также:  ‎Adobe Inc. Apps on the App Store


Green is currently used as a backdrop more than any other color because image sensors in digital video cameras are most sensitive to green. The green camera channel contains the least «noise» and can produce the cleanest key/matte/mask. Additionally, less light is needed to illuminate green, again because of the higher sensitivity to green in image sensors.

The biggest challenge when setting up a green screen is even lighting and the avoidance of shadow, because it is best to have as narrow a color range as possible being replaced. A shadow would present itself as a darker color to the camera and might not register for replacement.

A chroma key subject must not wear clothing similar in color to the chroma key color(s) (unless intentional), because the clothing may be replaced with the background.

For licensing inquiries, please email support@pocketbitsllc.com

‎хромакей: замена фона видео

Механизм рендеринга и хромакейер для создания фото и видео контента. Интерактивная 3D-графика в реальном времени, ластик для фона, AR, VR.

— Уникальные алгоритмы стирания фона с камеры в реальном времени
— Экспорт прозрачных видео и фотографий для дальнейшей обработки
— Встроенный 3D и 2D фон для замены стертого
— Наложение стикеров, текста и эффектов

*** Премиум подписка ***

Как премиум-член приложения вы получаете неограниченный доступ ко всем функциям без рекламы!

-Вариант подписки:
а) 0,49 доллара США в месяц (100% переплата ежегодно)
б) 1,49 доллара США в месяц (переплата 50% ежегодно)
c) 3-дневная бесплатная пробная версия (11,99 доллара США в год после пробной версии)
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-Подписка автоматически продлевается, если автоматическое продление не отключено по крайней мере за 24 часа до окончания текущего периода.
-Счет будет взиматься плата за продление в течение 24 часов до окончания текущего периода.
-Вы можете управлять своей подпиской и отключить автоматическое продление в любое время через настройки своей учетной записи.
-Политика конфиденциальности: http://hazorgames.com/env-privacy-policy/
-Условия использования: http://hazorgames.com/env-terms-of-use/

Читайте также:  ‎App Store: удобная лупа
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